Availability: Σε Αποθεμα

Delphi and the Pythian Games

SKU: 9789602565759



Συγγραφέας: Χατζή Γιολάντα

Εκδότης: Εξάντας

Ημερ. Έκδοσης: 01/01/2004


This is a book for children that contains plenty of information on the history of Apollo’s sanctuary, the Delphic Oracle and the ritual of prophesying, the sports events and festivities, and the general atmosphere in and around Delphi during the Pythian Games.
Following a joyful and entertaining guiding tour of Delphi’s magnificent archaeological site, the young visitor can restore the ruined temples and ancient debris in an imaginary way, while receiving information about their architecture and style. In this way, a vivid picture of Apollo’s sanctuary and the renowned oracle is created before the reader’s eyes. […]

Μεταφραστής: Altsitzoglou M. Ann.
Εικονογράφος: Δερβενιώτης Σπύρος
ISBN: 978-960-256-575-9

Αριθμός Σελίδων : 69

Διαστάσεις : 25 x 16 cm

Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο

Τόπος Έκδοσης : Αθήνα

Χατζή Γιολάντα